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Viagra comes as a tablet containing sildenafil citrate, to take by mouth. For most men, the recommended dose is 50 mg. taken, as needed, approximately 1 hour before sexual activity. However, sildenafil citrate may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 0.5 hour before sexual activity. Based on effectiveness and toleration, the dose may be increased to a maximum recommended dose of 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once per day.

Buying online viagra safe online. We will have the best viagra safe online buying website by you using this viagra online drug page. We will have the best viagra online buying site by you on our viagra online drugs. Viagra is a medication that increases blood flow to the penis and helps erections. Viagra is a medication that can help with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. With erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, the penis can not reach an orgasm easily or does not become erect in time. The use of prescription drugs may also cause changes in the body and affect sexual function. Viagra is the first step to treat viagra safe online order symptoms of ED. When erections last longer than 20 seconds, you may be a candidate for Viagra because you either do not get the desired effects in time or have adverse side effects serious effects. If you have erectile dysfunction and erection can last only 12-18 seconds, you are better off taking an older-generation drug such as flibanserin. Viagra is also used by many medical professionals to aid in the treatment of ED. People who suffer from ED have difficulty getting and maintaining erection