Gays Mills Apple Orchards

Located roadside pull off St. hwy 171 Gays Mills WI Coordinates Lat N 43:18':915" Lon W 90:50':447"  


Farmers in this area learned early that the land on both sides of the Kickapoo River offered excellent conditions for apple-growing. In 1905 John Hays and Ben Twining collected apples from eight or ten farmers around Gays Mills for exhibit at the State Fair. The exhibit- won first prize, then went on to
capture first honors in a national apple-show in New York. This experience prompted the Wisconsin State Horticultural Society to urge a project of "trial orchards" around the state to interest growers in commercial production. The Society examined a site on High Ridge and planted five acres with five recommended varieties. By 1911 the orchard had grown so vigorously that an organization was formed in Gays Mills to promote the
selling of orchards. Today more than a thou- sand acres here produce apples nationally known for their color and flavor.
Erected 1955





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