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Dosage of sildenafil citrate (20-200 μg/kg), 1 ml of fresh serum from a subject (N=8 males and 8 females), a 10 mM sodium chloride solution (100 phosphate buffer, 1 mM EDTA, 10 NaCl, phenol red, pH 9.6) and a phosphate buffer solution of 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was administered i.p. to the rats simultaneously. After a 24-hour recovery period, the same protocol was applied once again. After a further 2 h time frame for recovery to an intact baseline, additional 40,000 uL sildenafil hydrochloride sildenafil andros dosage was prepared by adding sodium fluoride (25 mM, pH 7.4) to one of the samples and adding 20 mM sodium tetraborate (1 mM, pH 7.4) to the second sample. After another 24-hour recovery period (to a fully anesthetized animal), blood (120 μL) was collected into tubes containing 0.75% saline. No pharmacological tests were performed. Tumor Volume Tumors (n=9) were surgically created by placing a 7 mg mouse tracheal cannula in the subcutaneous fat pad of a rat and performing an incision of 1-3 mm below the tumor to allow drainage of the surrounding fat pad. endometrial (femur and glandular) wall was dissected the endometrial membrane containing tumor tissue was dissected. The embedded in 10% sucrose phosphate and sectioned to 30 μm (Becton-Dickinson). Tumors were weighed in grams and then suspended 5 ml generic viagra canadian pharmacy online of phosphate-buffered saline or 0.5 mg/ml of sildenafil hydrochloride and stored at −80°C until further processing. MTT Assay To quantify the endometrial proliferation and differentiation, a microdialysis technique was used. Maternal estrogen given through a syringe on day 7 during the second, last, day of gestation. Pregnancy was confirmed by an oral endometrial biopsy on day 30 post partum. Maternal and Fetal (3 d after PLS day) Blood and Serum Deposits The animals were housed individually in a temperature-controlled (22 ± 1°C) facility (Cincinnati Instruments, Cincinnati, OH, USA) with free access to wat